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After exploring the robust type system of NeoHaskell and learning about enums, let's turn our attention to making decisions in our code with conditional expressions. The if-then-else expression is a fundamental construct that you, as a TypeScript developer, might recognize as similar to if...else. It's the bread and butter of decision-making in programming.

The Basics of if-then-else

In NeoHaskell, if-then-else allows your program to execute different expressions based on a boolean condition. The structure is simple:

if <condition> then
<expression if true>
<expression if false>
  • <condition>: A boolean expression evaluated by the program.
  • <expression if true>: The result when the condition is True.
  • <expression if false>: The result when the condition is False.

Remember, the if-then-else construct in NeoHaskell is an expression, not a statement. This means it always results in a value, making your code more predictable and easier to understand.

Example in Action

Consider a function that determines if a number is positive, negative, or zero. Here's how it might look:

-- We create a simple enum for the example
data Sign
= Positive
| Negative
| Zero

-- Gets the sign of a number
getSign :: Int -> Sign
getSign n =
if n > 0 then
-- To handle multiple conditions, we can use `else if`
else if n < 0 then

Key Points to Remember

  • Complete Expressions: Every if must be accompanied by a then and an else in NeoHaskell to ensure the expression is complete.
  • Indentation is Key: Proper indentation is crucial in NeoHaskell; it delineates the branches of your if-then-else expressions clearly.
  • No Parentheses Needed: Unlike TypeScript, you don't need to wrap the condition in parentheses.

In NeoHaskell, every expression must return a value, which is why an else clause is mandatory. This guarantees that your function always has a value to return, no matter what the condition evaluates to.

Wrapping Up and Looking Forward

With the understanding of if-then-else, you're now equipped to handle basic conditional logic in your NeoHaskell programs. It's a stepping stone towards more complex decision-making structures like pattern matching, which we will explore soon. In the next section, we'll delve into the powerful world of pattern matching, where you'll learn to handle various cases of enums and other data types elegantly.